What Are the Common Types of Personal Injury Cases?

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Accidents are an unfortunate part of life. Even the most cautious drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians may find themselves injured at the hands of a negligent or reckless individual. If you have sustained an injury due to someone else’s distracted or inattentive behavior, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and anxious about your physical recovery. Suddenly, you’re faced with unanticipated medical bills, lost wages, and other costs associated with the accident. Fortunately, Texas allows injured parties to pursue and secure compensation to help cover these costs. However, filing a personal injury claim can be stressful, especially when you’re already struggling with your physical recovery. Enlisting the guidance of an experienced and caring Houston personal injury attorney is the best way to ensure you navigate the process as smoothly as possible and maximize your settlement offer. Let’s take a look at some of the most common types of personal injury cases and what steps you can take to hold the other financially accountable for their reckless or negligent actions.

Defining Characteristics of a Personal Injury Claim in Texas

In general, someone who suffers an injury due to another party’s negligent or careless actions has the right to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. Your attorney will work with you to assess the details of your situation and determine whether there are enough grounds to pursue a personal injury claim. In order to recover damages in a personal injury case, you will need to demonstrate three essential elements: (1) The at-fault party owed you a duty of care; (2) The at-fault party breached this duty of care; and (3) You suffered an injury or were harmed as a direct result of the at-fault party’s negligence. Your personal injury attorney can help you locate and prepare the evidence (i.e., medical records, accident reports, witness statements, etc.) necessary to show that the at-fault party’s actions caused you harm.

Common Types of Personal Injury Claims

There are many types of personal injury cases. Essentially, whenever someone suffers harm as a direct result of another party’s careless or negligent actions, the injured party may seek compensation to support their physical and economic recovery. Below are just a few examples of personal injury cases.

Auto Accidents

Perhaps the most common type of personal injury claim involves an auto accident. A distracted or impaired driver can easily collide with another vehicle, motorcyclist, bicyclist, or pedestrian, leading to severe injuries. When the at-fault party is driving a truck, the damage can be catastrophic—causing permanent injuries to victims that require ongoing physical and medical care for the foreseeable future. Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming, especially if you’re also focusing on your physical recovery. It’s best to enlist the help of a trusted and compassionate personal injury attorney who can represent your best interests while you rest and recover.

Premises Liability

Texas property owners are responsible for keeping their premises safe and free of hazards. When a proprietor or homeowner fails to uphold this obligation, someone may suffer an injury as a result. If the injured party trips on a hazard or sustains an injury as a direct result of the owner’s failure to keep the environment safe, the injured party may file a premises liability claim to collect compensation from the at-fault proprietor. In Texas, dog owners have a legal responsibility to control their animals; if a negligent dog owner fails to ensure your safety, you may be able to seek compensation for a dog bite injury. As long as you and your attorney can show that you were on the premises with the owner’s express or implied consent (i.e., you were not trespassing at the time of the injury) and that the property owner neglected to ensure the safety of the premises, you may move forward with your claim.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents are quite common, especially in supermarkets, malls, and other environments with slick or uneven surfaces. Although pursuing a slip-and-fall accident claim may seem straightforward, most businesses and insurance companies are skilled at avoiding liability in these types of claims. They will likely use a variety of tactics to elude responsibility, so working with a seasoned and knowledgeable personal injury attorney is the best way to hold these parties liable for their failure to ensure your safety.

Trusted Legal Guidance When You Need It Most

The last thing you want to think about when recovering from an injury is battling with an individual, business, or insurance company. When you entrust a skilled personal injury lawyer with these responsibilities, you can devote your valuable time and energy to the healing process. Your attorney will assess every detail of your case and identify the most strategic path forward. Their goal is to maximize your settlement offer so you can secure the compensation you need to start getting your life back on track.

If you have suffered an injury at the hands of a negligent party, call DeHoyos Accident Attorneys, PLLC, today at (832) 745-4878 to discuss your options with a trusted and friendly Houston attorney.



















A personal approach to personal injury in Houston, Texas

“As a client to this Law Firm, I found it to be rewarding base on their work ethics. With there expertise, knowledge, flexibility and being responsive to their client needs. They will see that their client receive the best outcome on there case. There are many people out there that have bad ideas about lawyers, but DeHoyos Accident Attorneys will make sure that you’re not stressed about anything pertaining to your case. I’ll recommend that you seek this Lawyer and Law Firm for any unraveling situation you might face.”


“I can’t say enough good things about DeHoyos Accident Attorneys! Mr. Ryan DeHoyos is extremely knowledgeable in his field of Personal Injury. I was injured in a motor vehicle accident last year and Mr. DeHoyos stopped at nothing to get me the compensation I deserved. He kept me updated on my case regularly and guided me to get the medical care I needed. Additionally, his staff is so kind and caring, especially Ashley… Thank you, DeHoyos Accident Attorneys for your professionalism in closing my case…and WINNING big!”


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